August 29, 2024 - Improvised version of L’Algérie with Either/OR, Jennifer Choi vn, Bahar Badieitabar oud, Rubin Kodheli vc, Richard Carrick pno, Rafael Heredia drums, at The Stone, NYC
October 1, 2024 - NY Premiere of L’Algérie for extended piano, violin, cello, oud and percussion, concert length work with Either/OR Jennifer Choi, Bahar Badieitabar, John Popham, Richard Carrick, Justin Jay Hines. Pop-up Concert! at Miller Theatre, NYC
December 8, 2024 - performing with Either/OR: Anthony Braxton’s Composition #98 for sax, trumpets, trombones and piano, and Big House/Disclosure by Mendi + Keith Obadike, Church of St. Luke and St Matthew, Brooklyn, NY
February 1, 2025 - la touche sonore sous l’eau Marilyn Nonken, piano, PianoFest, Texas Tech University, TX
February 14, 2025 - CD RELEASE: Richard Carrick:The Atlas New Focus Recordings, available on all streaming platforms
March 5, 2025 - World premiere of new work to be announced, 7:30pm David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA
September 20, 2023 - The Atlas for Piano and String Quartet, Either/Or presents the NY premiere of Carrick’s The Atlas at the DiMenna Center.
Concert Review
October 26, 2023 - “a cause du soleil” Flow Cycle String Trio presented at Auditorium - Cité internationale des arts, 18, Rue de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris, FRANCE.
December 8, 2023 - performing as pianist in Either/OR’s concert of music by Hans Christensen and Tori Cheah
February 6, 2024 - The Dragon’s Fire, concert length work for young audiences, Bill Gordh narrator, violinist Janie Choi and Leonia Chamber Ensemble, Leonia NJ.
February 13, 2024 - Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #48 "Snow” World Premiere performed by Magnus Andersson and Sebastian Andersson in concert, Stockholm, SWEDEN
February 20, 2024 - L’Algérie for extended piano, violin, cello and oud, World Premiere with Either/OR, concert length work, Berklee College of Music, David Friend Recital Hall, Boston
April 16, 2024 - Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #37 Trio world premiere Kon.Trip trio Scholes Street Music, Brooklyn
April 18, 2024 - Presenting to the Brandeis Composition Colloquium.
May 18, 2024 2pm - The Music of Talib Rasul Hakim. Richard conducting Either/Or and International Contemporary Ensemble, Lincoln Center, New York Public Library.
June 30, July 1, 2023 - Sea, a concert length work for music and dance, New Chamber Ballet, featuring The Mill, “in flow” and Piano Preludes, Mark Morris Dance Complex, Brooklyn, NY. A collaboration between composer Richard Carrick and choreographer Miro Magloire.
June 24, 2023 POSTPONED UNTIL FALL 2023 : NY Premiere, The Atlas for Piano and String Quartet, concert length work for Either/OR, venue TBA.
June 16, 2023 Korean-US Concert, featuring sandstone(s), Seongeum, (Boston premieres), and a new arrangement of US and Korean Folk Songs, and distinguished guests to be announced, Saunders Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
March 9, 2023 Portrait Concert at MIT, WORLD PREMIERE of The Atlas for Piano and String Quartet, a concert length work, Either/OR, Hearing Images Series, MIT, Cambridge, MA details
May 6, 2023 Mimesis for Hypercube World Premiere, (Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #53) Queens New Music Festival, Queens, NY
February 9, 2023 Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #50, performed by Nightingale Vocal Ensemble and Fourth Wall Ensemble, Newton, MA
February 9, 2023 CD Release: Miniatures (Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #041), recorded by Anne Goldberg-Baldwin on her solo CD Permutations (Ravello Records 085).
January -February 2023 MacDowell Residency Fellow, New Hampshire
November 15, 2022 JourneySpheres, new work for (inside the) Piano and strings, Neither/Nor Composer Ensemble, Berklee College of Music
September 2 and 5, 2022 Piano Preludes, le memoire, carrousel, Aigues Mortes, Angela Kim, piano
“Festival Internacional De Piano UIS” hosted by Universidad Industrial de Santander in Bucaramanga, COLOMBIA
June 7, 2022 Neither/Nor perform at The Loft works by Oliveros, Carrick, Glass, and others, The Loft, Berklee, Boston
May 19, 2022 Either/OR in concert, performing as pianist with Either/OR, works by Talib Rasul Hakim, Gérard Grisey, Ed Bland, Noel Da Costa, Michelle Lou and Raven Chacon at University Settlement, NYC
May 1, 2022 Richard Carrick’s Hommage to Naida Boulanger (World Premiere)
Merkin Hall, NYC, Fontainbleau Festival Concert, Diana Ligeti, cellist and director
April 26, 2022 Neither/Nor meets Claire Chase
Neither/Nor Student Composer Ensemble read through Pauline Oliveros works with Claire Chase at Berklee
April 5, 2022 Marilyn Nonken piano recital Philo/Piano: The French Touch, NYU
La touche sonore sous l’eau
Avignon (world premiere)
Arles Echo (world premiere)
Link to full video
April 4-6, 2022 Richard Carrick is Visiting Professor at Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
Offering masterclasses, panel discussions, and three lectures:
Reimagining Composition Pedagogy for the 21st Century
Intersecting Identities: The Composer-Performer
Recent works
New Layered Piano Improvisations suite (three works from an upcoming CD release) - World Premiere
European Images (postponed), for improvising cellist with video and audio playback - Yoni Gotlibovich, cellist
February 23, 2022 Richard Carrick’s Hearing Pictures Portrait Concert at MIT
Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #46 for Hannah and #50 Loops for Neither/Nor Ensemble
Aigues Mortes, Piano Prelude #4, Richard Carrick piano
Improvisation, Richard Carrick Piano and Brian McGinnis Dance
Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #42 for violin (World Premiere) Lilit Hartunian violin
Rwandan Images (2016) for cellist and video playback (US Premiere) Bri Tagliaferro cello
MIT Theater Arts, Cambridge MA (video link here)
February 10, 2022 Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #46 for Hannah and #50 Loops for Neither/Nor Ensemble (World Premieres),
alongside works by Bahar Badieitabar, Bella Kelly, Tomas Ortola Strange, Zak Kane, Davide Campobianco
December 21, 2021 Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #51 Tractatus for sustaining instruments (World Premiere), released on SoundCloud (link here)
December 10, 2021 Either/Or : Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #16, 21, 21a, 31 and Aigues Mortes by Richard,
Alongside works by Hauberstock-Ramati Katherine Young, Raven Chason, Jessie Cox, Tom Johnson, and Roland Kayn. E/O is Margaret Lancaster, Chris McIntyre, Jennifer Choi, John Popham and Richard Carrick. Tenri Cultural Institute, W 13th St, NYC
Video of live performance
November 23, 2021 Either/Or in concert
October 28, 2021 The Mill (2021, violin and piano), concert premiere
Jennifer Choi and Kathy Supove, Sirius Quartet Presents Progressive Chamber Music Festival MMXXI, The Garage, NYC
July 30, 2021 WORLD PREMIERE Graphic Series #26 for Mivos Quartet video performance (link here)
July 25, 2021 Duo Flow for violin and cello, Brevard Music Center Summer Festival, Caroline Chin and Brian Snow.
October 2, 2020 CD RELEASE: Richard Carrick : lanterne on New Focus Recordings. Canceled due to Pandemic.
Featuring Marilyn Nonken, String Noise, Margaret Lancaster, Vasko Dukovski, Either/Or, John Popham, Lauren Cauley, New York New Music Ensemble, Musicians of the Gugak Contemporary Orchestra of Seoul, Eduardo Leandro, Mivos Quartet, and Carrick.
Apple Music
New Focus Recordings
December 18, 2020 Graphic Series #32 Rhythmic, Looping with Instructions for large ensemble, Times Arrow Ensemble, Boston.
February 18, 2021 Graphic Series #43 for Lauren Cauley Violin Solo, new recording available on soundcloud.
February 25-26, 2021 Exploratory Seminar on the Arts and Resilience at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
March 15, 2021 The intersection of composition, interpretation and improvisation in Graphic Scores, a talk presented virtually to the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance Theory and Composition Department
April 8, 2021, Yarn/Wire Feedback Series, in conversation with Raphaël Cendo and Y/W
April 14, 2021 The intersection of composition, interpretation and improvisation in Graphic Scores, a talk presented virtually to the Berklee Composition Department
May 28 and June 4, Sea, world premiere of hour long work for music and dance, Richard Carrick music, Miro Magloire choreography
Featuring Travelogue of Haunting Places (20’), “in flow” (7’) and The Mill (WORLD PREMIERE for violin and piano, 30’)
Concert length collaboration choreographed by Miro Magloire and performed by Doori Na (violin), Melody Fader (piano) and New Chamber Ballet. Mark Morris Dance Space, Brooklyn, NY
June 15 Full Video performance of The Mill (WORLD PREMIERE for violin and piano, 30’)
choreographed by Miro Magloire and performed by Doori Na (violin), Melody Fader (piano) and New Chamber Ballet
the opening piece of the evening length work entitled Sea
June 21, Graphic Series:Lead Sheets #31 Either/Or live at South Street Seaport, Make Music NY,
performed by Chris McIntyre, Jonathan Finlayson, Zeena Parkins, Margaret Lancaster, R Carrick
September 25, 2019 Anthony Braxton Portrait Concert Either/OR and JACK Quartet performing works spanning Braxton’s entire career. Carrick conductor for Composition #46 and Solo Piano for Composition #1, Miller Theatre, NYC.
Review: The Strad
September 26, 2019 Graphic Series #02 Red Blue Duo Lauren Cauley, violin and Mariel Roberts, cello. Stocker Arts Center, Ohio
October 19, 2019 la touche sonore sous l’eau Marilyn Nonken, piano. Brandeis Concert Series at Brandeis University. Boston, MA
October 27, 2019 la touche sonore sous l’eau Marilyn Nonken, piano at Spectrum. NYC
January 21, 2020 Graphic Series #43 [World Premiere] Violin Solo written for Lauren Cauley. Miller Theatre, NY
February 19, 2020 Neither/Nor Ensemble of Berklee New and recent works by Neither/Nor members, including a Graphic Series premiere. Boston, MA
March 31, 2020 POSTPONED Berklee Composer Sinfonietta Premiere concert of works by the Berklee Composer Sinfonietta, directed and conducted by Richard Carrick
April 5, 2020 POSTPONED Neither/Nor Berklee Composer Ensemble Debut performance in NYC. Spectrum, NYC
April 17 and 18, 2020 POSTPONED Travelogue of Haunting Places, “in flow” and new work Concert length collaboration with Miro Magloire and New Chamber Ballet featuring an all Carrick program. City Center, NYC
April 5, 2020 “in flow” performed by Doori Na on Facebook Live, hosted by New Chamber Ballet
July 3, 2020 Graphic Series #26 for Mivos Quartet, premiere recording available on Bandcamp
July 14, 2018 Moroccan Flow (unfolding from unity) Diana Ligeti, Celebration Bastille, histoire des Ecoles» > Ecoles d’Art Americaines de Fontainebleau, France
August, 2018 la scene miniature Caleb van der Swaag and Beomjae Kim. NYC [Postponed]
August 12, 2018 Phosphéne String Noise at the Bang On a Can Festival, NYC
October 4, 2018 la scene miniature quartet, [Israeli Premiere] Meitar Ensemble in Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
October 6, 2018, Space:Time for String Quartet and Electric Guitar [World Premiere] Mivos String Quartet and Nadav Lev. Israeli Composers Alliance. Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
October 7, 2018 La Pedrera (piano prelude #6) [World Premiere] Shira Legmann. Musica Nova in Jaffa, ISRAEL
October 9, 2018 Composition Masterclass at Rimon School in Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
October 10/11, 2018 la memoire, carrousel, Aigues Mortes Angela Kim, piano. Premiere in Cambridge, MA
November 10, 2018 Natural Duo String Noise at the Progressive Chamber Music Festival. Spectrum, NYC
November 18, 2018 Moroccan Flow Alex Waterman. Beacon Hebrew Alliance in Beacon, NY
November 21, 2018 Harmonixity New Thread Saxophone Quartet at New Jersey City University
December 1, 2018 Harmonixity New Thread Saxophone Quartet. Con Vivo Music in Jersey City, NJ
December 8, 2018 Moroccan Flow Alex Waterman at Mozart’s living room. Kingston, NY
January 17, 2019 Harmonixity New Thread Saxophone Quartet’s CD RELEASE CONCERT at the D'Addario NYC Showroom.
January 29, 2019 6PM The Music of Richard Carrick Pop-up Portrait Concert
Performed by Either/OR (Jennifer Choi, Chris McIntyre, Margaret Lancaster, Vasko Dukovski), at Miller Theatre Pop-up Concert NYC.
lanterne for solo bass flute
Sarang Ga for bass clarinet with piano
autour [World Premiere] for ensemble with bells and audience participation
Anthony Braxton’s Comp. 70/101/168
February 5, 2019 Large ensemble works, including a new work by Iancu Dumitrescu, written for Carrick and the Neither/Nor Composer Ensemble of Berklee. David Friend Recital Hall, Boston MA
Makhtesh Ramon
Jerusalem- the art of listening
Green Orange Pink from the Graphic Series [World Premiere]
Aigues Mortes piano prelude
Artificial Life - George Lewis
Holism I - Iancu Dumitrescu
February 12, 2019 Space:Time for String Quartet and Electric Guitar [US Premiere] Mivos String Quartet and Nadav Lev. Miller Theatre, NYC
February 26, 2019 Natural Duo and Phosphéne String Noise. Carnegie Hill Concerts, NYC
February 26, 2019 Harmonixity New Thread Saxophone Quartet at Berklee’s Seully Hall. [Boston Premiere]
March 10, 2019 4pm New work from the Color Series, String Noise Presents > Spectrum > NYC
April 14, 2019 Richard’s Family Resemblances [World Premiere] Patrick Stadler and OpusNovus Sounding Now Festival, SINGAPORE
April 29, 2019 Les Ciels de Kigali for solo microtonal piano Marilyn Nonken and the Argento Ensemble, part of the Vortex Temporum commissions concert. St John’s Church, NYC
May 24, 2019 Either/OR and Gugak, Graphic Series, four new scores performed simultaneously [World Premiere] Either/OR with special guests Gamin and DuYeon Kim. Guitarist and Conductor with Vasko Dukovski and Mariel Roberts. Tenri Cultural Institute, NYC
May 29, 2019 Graphic Series Vasko Dukovski and Nadav Lev at Arete, Brooklyn, NYC
June 7 and 8, 2019 Piano Preludes [World Premiere] New Ballet for Piano and four Dancers in collaboration with Miro Magloire New Chamber Ballet at New York City Center, NYC
June 18, 2019 Either/OR ‘Intersections’ New and classic works by Xenakis, Grisey, and more at Arete, Brooklyn NYC
June 28, 2019 Graphic Series Neither/Nor at Berk Hall, Boston, MA
August 4 and 5, 2019 la touche sonore sous l’eau [World premiere of piano duo version] 5th Ryogoku Art Festival 2019 at Ryogoku Monten Hall. Tokyo, Japan